Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sophie's Choice

The question of whether blood is thicker than water Has risen its head In the Czech Republic. Two babies born on the same day look to have been mistakenly given to the wrong parents. And now after ten months of parenthood the parents are preparing to give up their children in return for their genetic offspring.

This rises several interesting questions:
1) Is a biological connection to people more important than social and cultural ties?
2) If the mistake had be realized after say five years would they still swap?
3) When does bonding and identity building occur in a baby and will the swap have serious ramifications for the growing ego?

The idea that for ten months you could care, love, protect and generally adore a baby and then be happy to give it up is I must admit slightly horrifying for me. However, I also see that the idea that your flesh and blood is being brought up by someone is equally disturbing.

In this situation I honestly don’t know what I would do. – Try and have both babies?? Obviously this would be unfair on the other couple. However, what else could the human heart desire?

1 comment:

Damien Moran said...

How about swapping them around every second week?

Or the couple could start a cult and bring up the kids together as brothers in Christ, sons of Jehovah, cousins of Joseph Smith, divine agents of Jim Jones?

This is a fairly deep topic man, not sure I can respond with any intellectual insight. Blood tie, memories of the pregnancy and the 9 month pre-natal relationship the mother feels like she has already had with the kid, and social conditioning are the key factors for the exchange I would think.

Interesting post, challenging topic.