Saturday, May 23, 2009

Patriots are coming!!!!

The deployment of a Patriot missile unit by the US is perhaps long overdue, but will undoubtly further enrage Russia. When I say well overdue I mean that Poland risk a lot in suporting the US in the 2003 Iraq War, and so far has had little to show for it. The initial expectation was for rich pickings in terms of oil and engineering contracts. Alas Cheney managed to scoop most of those. The other wish was for a no visa policy for Polish citizens in the US. This was also a no show.

The deployment of the Patriots will be the first concrete measure that the US has done towards its stead-fast ally. In terms of practicality the missiles are a god-send, as the Polish air-defence system currently consists of obsolete 1970s equipment. These missiles will take Polish security into the 21st Century. However, there is also the problem of Russian and the antagonistic nature of such a deployment. However, given last years Georgian debacle, well perhaps antagonism is a risk worth paying, as to ignore the very real risk or worse still appease it would be a disaster of Herculaneum propotions.